Collins Medical Speculum
S(A)X Leather
Collins Speculum are medical toy with a single wing-nut adjustment for opening after insertion.
Can be used one handed for vaginal examinations and medical play.
All sizes have an opening of...

Sims Rectal Medical Speculum
S(A)X Leather
A quality medical toy for insertion into the anus for examination purposes. Sim's Rectal Speculum opens by squeezing the handles together, allowing you to lock it in place with a thumbscrew. Opens to...

Matthieu 3 Prong Speculum
S(A)X Leather
The Matthieu 3 Prong Speculum is a new medical speculum is an ideal for toy for vaginal or anal examinations. When opened, the prongs spread to a maximum of 5cm apart. Once the desired spread is...

Plastic Anal Medical Proctoscope
S(A)X Leather
The disposable proctoscope is used for medical examination of the anus and the anal opening. Once inserted, the inner plunger with ring tab can be removed to for better visibility during exam. When...