
Kits & Power Boxes

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  • 2B Pro Pack 2B Pro Pack

    2B Kit and Accessories Pack


    2B Power Box and Accessories Pack (RRP $870) The Ultimate in E-Stim Technology. If you want to stock the best, then stock the 2B ProPack. Created for the advanced user, or the user who is looking to purchase the best at the start. If you are an...
  • Zeus E-Stim Beginners Kit

    Zeus E-Stim Beginners Kit


    The Zeus E-Stim beginner kit is one of the best selling kits, not only is it a dependable little box, but it comes with a fantastic array of accessories. This device is designed to send electrical impulses to terminals and attachable toys placed on the...
  • Helix Blue Pack Helix Blue Pack

    Helix Blue Pack

    The Helix Blue Pack. The Helix Blue(TM) Pack is one of the latest in our revamped Electro Pay Bonus Packs featuring the New ElectroHelix™ which is the replacement to the very popular Series 1 and the Helix Blue(TM) is the direct replacement for...
  • E-STIM Systems Series 2B Kit E-STIM Systems Series 2B Kit

    E-STIM Systems Series 2B Kit

    E-STIM Systems Series 2B Kit The 2B First launched at Erotica in 2010, it took over three years of solid development to come to fruition, and it is still improving with new beta firmware released in 2015. We continue to build on our E-Stim expertise and...
  • Zeus Handheld 8 Mode Power Box with Black Pads Zeus Handheld 8 Mode Power Box with Black Pads

    Zeus Handheld 8 Mode Power Box with Black Pads

    Zeus Electrosex

    Zeus Handheld 8 Mode Power Box with Black Pads The Zeus Handheld Power Box is a great entry-level unit for those exploring the pleasures of e-stim. Portable and simple to operate, this power box features 8 unique modes of current and 15 different levels...
  • E-STIM Remote Controlled System E-STIM Remote Controlled System

    E-STIM Remote Controlled System


    E-STIM Remote Controlled System   The new motion and audio sensitive E-Stim Remote System from E-Stim Systems offers electro based remote control in a small discreet package. Simple to use and very effective. If you are looking for a little bit...
  • ElectroPebble® XPF Pack ElectroPebble® XPF Pack

    ElectroPebble XPF Pack

    ElectroPebble® XPF Pack The ElectroPebbe® XPF - One of the best value bonus packs around. The ElectroPebble® XPF Pack has been created to be one of the best value electroplay packs around. Featuring our latest power box...
  • Zeus Electrosex Deluxe Digital Power Box Zeus Electrosex Deluxe Digital Power Box

    Zeus Electrosex Deluxe Digital Power Box

    Zeus Electrosex
    Zeus Electrosex Deluxe Digital Power Box The Zeus Electrosex Deluxe Digital Power Box is a great toy for beginners. It features two channels with adjustable intensity, seven preset routines, a timer, and a digital display. It has plenty of power, enough...
  • Series 2B Power Supply

    Series 2B Power Supply

    Series 2B Power Supply A multi voltage multi country power supply unit for use with the E-Stim Systems 2B. When used in conjunction with the 2B, the power supply will give around a 30% output increase. Not designed to operate with any other E-Stim unit.
  • Zeus Palm Powerbox Zeus Palm Powerbox

    Zeus Palm Powerbox

    Zeus Electrosex

    Zeus Palm Powerbox Electrosex works by running a gentle current through the body, exciting nerves and muscles along the way, essentially making your body pulse and vibrate. The Palm Power Box is a great way to get started, with 6 modes and multiple...
  • Electrastim Flick Duo Stimulator Multi-Pack Electrastim Flick Duo Stimulator Multi-Pack
    Sale 20%
    Sale 20%

    Electrastim Flick Duo Stimulator Multi-Pack

    Electrastim Flick Duo Stimulator Multi-Pack If you want to stimulate two different areas at the same time or want to get hooked up with a partner the Duo Multi-Pack is the way to go. Combine anal and cock stim, anal and vaginal stim.... Alternatively...
  • E-Stim 2B Connect Pack E-Stim 2B Connect Pack

    E-Stim 2B Connect Pack

    E-Stim 2B Connect Pack Looking to play with your partner over the Internet? Concerned about safety and security? Then look no further and consider the new E-Stim Connect Pack from E-Stim Systems Ltd. Connect - Share - Play The new E-Stim Connect pack...