Mister B Leather Lead Weighted Ball Stretcher 250g
Mister B
Mister B Leather Lead Weighted Ball Stretcher 250g Soft and heavy: this ball stretcher is made from soft leather filled with lead.

Mister B Leather Lead Weighted Ball Bag - 2kg
Mister B
Mister B Leather Lead Weighted Ball Bag - 2kg
Soft and heavy: these ball weights are made from soft leather filled with lead.

Mister B Leather Lead Weighted Ball Bag - 1kg
Mister B
Mister B Leather Lead Weighted Ball Bag - 1kg
Soft and heavy: these ball weights are made from soft leather filled with lead.

Mister B Lead Weighted Cock Strap 150g
Mister B
Mister B Lead Weighted Cock Strap 150g This Mister B Leather Cockstrap is adjustable and has a nice weight to it because it’s filled with 150 grams of little lead balls. Made of sturdy jeans leather,...

Mister B Leather Braces
Mister B
Mister B Leather Braces Lenghts mentioned below are the lengths of the braces with all buckles in the middle hole (4th hole). Every brace can therefore be either lengthened or shortened with 6 cm in...